
Biomechanical analysis of movements during removal of helmets from motorcycle riders: a comparative study of the efficacy of 2 techniques

Ana Nicolás Carrillo1,2, Javier Ruiz Casquet3, Raquel Gordillo Martín3, Francisco Moya Escudero4, Laura Juguera Rodríguez3, María Isabel Hontoria Hernández3, Inmaculada Nicolás Carrillo5, Manuel Pardo Ríos1,3

Affiliation of the authors

1UCAM Universidad Católica de Murcia, Spain. 2Aragonese Health Service, Spain. 3Urgencias y Emergencias 061 de la Región de Murcia, Servicio Murciano de Salud, Spain. 4Eliance. Base Helitransportada 23, Teruel, Spain.



Nicolás Carrillo A, Ruiz Casquet J, Gordillo Martín R, Moya Escudero F, Juguera Rodríguez L, Hontoria Hernández MI, et al. Biomechanical analysis of movements during removal of helmets from motorcycle riders: a comparative study of the efficacy of 2 techniques. Emergencias. 2023;35:155-7

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