
Prognostic implications of emergency department determination of B-type natriuretic peptide in patients with acute heart failure: the PICASU-2 study

Miró O, Jacob J, Martín-Sánchez FJ, Herrero P, Pavón J, Pérez-Durá MJ, Noval A, Segura F, Richard F, Giménez A, Gil C, Alonso H, Ruiz M, Garrido M, Gil Román JJ, Aguirre A, Manuel Torres J, Ruiz F, Perelló R, Villena H, Gil V, Llorens P

Affiliation of the authors

Grupo de Investigación en Insuficiencia Cardiaca Aguda de la Sociedad Española de Medicina de Urgencias y Emergencias (ICA-SEMES). Spain. Área de Urgencias, Hospital Clínic. Barcelona, Spain. Grupo de Investigación 'Urgencias: Procesos y Patologías', IDIB



Miró O, Jacob J, Martín-Sánchez FJ, Herrero P, Pavón J, Pérez-Durá MJ, et al. Prognostic implications of emergency department determination of B-type natriuretic peptide in patients with acute heart failure: the PICASU-2 study. Emergencias. 2011;23:437-46


Objective: To investigate whether hospital emergency department measurement of Btype

natriuretic peptide (BNP) in patients with acute heart failure is beneficial in terms of

patient outcomes and according to hospital category (availability or not of BNP testing

in the emergency department).

Method: PICASU-2 is an analytical multicenter retrospective study of patients with acute

heart failure according to the Framingham criteria, with follow-up of cohorts. Baseline

Data and data pertaining to each acute heart failure episode were collected. Outcome

measures were in-hospital mortality, 30-day mortality, and revisits to the emergency

department within 30 days. Cases were classified as having a record of BNP measurement

or not. Hospital emergency departments were classified as not having the resources for

emergency BNP measurement (type A hospital), having the possibility of testing

selectively (type B), and testing for BNP more generally (>50% of patients) (type C).

Results: Nineteen hospital emergency departments contributed data on 2423 patients,

32.4% of whom had BNP measurements; by hospital category, 34.7% of the patients

were from type A facilities, 34.6% were from type B, and 30.7% were from type C. Inhospital

mortality was 7.2%, 30-day mortality was 8.1%, and 24% of the patients

revisited within 30 days. Neither the measurement of BNP nor the fact of BNP

measurement availability in the emergency department was associated with a better

clinical outcome. Likewise no significant associations were found after adjustment for

patient status in stable condition or characteristics of the acute episode. When patients

who were discharged directly from the emergency department were analyzed separately,

again no associations with outcomes were found.

Conclusion: In the absence of a well-established protocol for managing episodes of

acute heart failure according to BNP levels, emergency measurement of this peptide

does not seem to contribute to improving outcome for these patients.


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